Things have been happening behind the scenes and now more than usual the Horde needs your support. Our supporters have done so much to keep the old dogs in kibble, and we hate to ask for more, but we desperately need funds as well.
Each year The Humans pay for a vaccination farm call and the Sanctuary's liability insurance by donating a portion of their tax return. This totals about $120.
This year, however, the Humans have discovered that The Scribe's employer checked the wrong box when they put in her tax information and have been withholding at the lower married filing jointly rate. She has, for the entirety of her working life, always withheld at the higher single rate, so she is certain that was what she requested when joining her employer last year. Because of the error (it reduced her withholding by a significant amount) The Humans will owe money rather than receiving a return.
In another year, The Humans would shrug and cover the donation with the stimulus they've received, but due to additional circumstances, they can't do that.
The Human Scribe works very hard for the Sanctuary, doing half of the Sanctuary chores, and acting as the primary content creator and photographer for the Sanctuary's social media accounts. She has recently been diagnosed with a serious degenerative spinal condition in her cervical and thoracic spine. She has had damage to her spine for almost 30 years, but in the last 8 months her spine has essentially collapsed in at least two places. This condition has caused nerve damage in her cervical spine that is impacting her arms and upper body, and could potentially lead to very serious problems. Functionally it has already required some changes. She can no longer drive longer distances, and her art must be done in short bursts. She can no longer lift dog food bags, or move heavier objects. She has the constant very strong pins and needles "asleep" sensation along her upper back between left shoulder blade and spine. It's been consistent for the past ten months, and while manageable by medication, it never completely goes away. She has had x-rays, a thoracic MRI, and is currently doing PT. A cervical MRI is pending. She has been referred to a neurologist and an orthopedic surgeon, neither of whom could help, and is scheduled to see a pain management specialist.
Unfortunately, as you can imagine, this is expensive. Each diagnostic is $225. Each physical therapy visit, and each specialist visit is $50. These are after insurance prices. If she attends physical therapy twice a week, for 6-8 weeks, she is looking at $600 to $800. She has had 3 diagnostics with at least a 4th to come. She doesn't know how many specialist visits are in her future or what additional diagnostics and treatment they will want to pursue. She doesn't know if she's looking at surgery.
Along side this, The Humans have been trying to get into a financial position where they can build a new Farmhouse. The current Farmhouse complicates dog care and it cannot be made fully accessible, should the Scribe need it.
If you love the Horde, and they bring you happiness, we ask for your assistance in raising as much of the $1200 as possible. Donate if you can, retweet and share if you can't.
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