The Story of Pug Hollow

Pug Hollow is a hospice sanctuary dedicated to providing a safe, happy, loving end of life home to dogs with terminal health conditions, and dogs who are simply just old.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pawcircle for Sir

Pawcircle for Sir please. Thursday he developed a little bit of an eye irritation. Friday morning we started him on gentamicin drops.

Today he's at the vet for an emergency visit, as his eye has worsened sharply in the last 24 hours. The vet will sedate him, evaluate the eye, and proceed from there. From what I could see with him fighting me this morning, my guess is that we will likely end up removing the eye. Not a big thing as he's blind already.

The rapid worsening of what started out as a minor eye irritation isn't unusual for an old dog with a depressed immune system (he was on antibiotics for a respiratory infection too) but it isn't what we hope for. 

If he makes it through everything alright we're considering changing his name to "Sir Lucky of Pug Hollow"... What else do you call a one eyed, jawless, ancient Chihuahua?

If you'd like to contribute to Sir's surgery (which will be probably around $150-$175) you can donate via