The Story of Pug Hollow

Pug Hollow is a hospice sanctuary dedicated to providing a safe, happy, loving end of life home to dogs with terminal health conditions, and dogs who are simply just old.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

It's been a while since I've posted an update. Life around the Hollow got busy of the summer with adoption events and other such things that tend to happen more during the summertime.  And things quieted down on the medical front for a bit.

As usually happens though things have swung back the other way and now we have a run of medical bills to cover.

This month was Sneaser's 6 month blood work. He has to have regular checks of his renal function to ensure that his heart medication isn't hurting his kidneys.

At the same time Byron developed an aural hematoma. An aural hematoma is when the ear gets bruised and the blood causes it to puff up, pulling the skin away from the cartilage.  His ear looked like a sopapilla.  This requires minor surgery to drain the ear and re-attach the skin to the cartilage with small stitches.
Just after that, Lopug injured his eyes. He scratched one cornea, causing a traumatic ulceration, and developed non-ulcerative keratitis (an inflammation of the cornea) in the other.  So off to the vet he went to have his ulcerated eye sewn shut. 

Within the next week we will have to have Cleo the pug in to the vet for blood work and diagnostics to determine why she has started not thriving. She doesn't feel well and she's failing to gain needed weight back.

All totaled we are looking at at least $500 in vet bills for this round, so once again we are reaching out to our awesome supporters for help with the sudden rush of vet bills. If the dogs would spread them out over a couple of months it would work much better, but they like to do things in groups!

You can donate via mail, or paypal via the address and links on our website.
You can also donate via Gofundme.

Be aware that our paypal link and our Gofundme account take a percentage of the donation in fees. If you want to be sure that 100% of your donation reaches us, you can donate via paypal to and choose "send money to friends and family".

Any donations above our current need for vet bills will go into the Hospice fund for future vet visits.  You know we'll have plenty more of those!